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Our Blogs

The Überbiker Blog – Chapter 2 – Challenge Daytona

The Überbiker Blog – Chapter 2 – Challenge Daytona

Here is my first real post on the Überbiker blog and actually I wanted to start with some basics of training theory, so that you can achieve your fastest bike split in 2021 that you have ever ridden and afterwards smile with joy at the finish line. But I still talk about Challenge Daytona with so many people…

The Überbiker Blog – Chapter 1

The Überbiker Blog – Chapter 1

Triathlon is probably the most beautiful sport in the world, at least for us at the United Triathlon Nations. And for me, the bike split is the most exciting part of a race. Fortunately, there are many opinions about it and many at the UTN certainly find swimming or running more exciting, but my passion is cycling.



In times when many people and nations only look to themselves, we triathletes should welcome diversity and be a shining example.
With the United Triathlon Nations…
